Flexa Studio is a state of the art functional training and rehab facility
It is an invaluable rehab tool for the Flexa Physio team but also allows our members to experience the latest in functional training in an exclusive environment.
Sport is essentially rehearsing movement. If you’re moving incorrectly then you are rehearsing incorrect movement that may result in pain, tightness, imbalances and poor performance. Functional training is about making your body work the way it was designed to function in the three planes of motion.
Conventional training with standard gym equipment restricts movement to a single plane of motion which is an unnatural form of movement for the body and may potentially lead to faulty movement patterns and imbalances. Life is unpredictable and unstable. So why would you develop your training using stable and predictable routines and equipment?
Functional exercises are designed to improve movement proficiency and are multi joint, multi muscle exercises that utilise all three planes of motion promoting stability, mobility, and flexibility while teaching correct movement patterns with full range of motion and muscle activation.
Develop a solid foundation and target the deep postural muscles while building muscle strength and rebalancing the body.
Learn the foundation yoga poses while building strength, improving flexibility, balance, posture and understanding proper breathing techniques.
Core Classes
Learn how to activate and strengthen your core for improved posture and general well being.
Supervised Training
Our experienced trainers will challenge you with a series of functional, cardio, strength and core exercises.
Leading-edge facilities on the North Shore of Auckland
Experience results. Let our passionate team of knowledgeable Physiotherapists and Performance Trainers guide you through your recovery from injury, and to reach your health, fitness and performance goals.